
Date: Thu 02/11/21 4:49AM
From: Rin

Message: Thank you very much for linking my collective! (Enchant.Nu) ^^ Your domain is glowingly beautiful; lovely work! ❤✨

Date: Sun 07/11/21 9:46PM
From: Lethe

Message: OMG ein Shrine zu ELLE!!! Eine feine Auswahl an Charakteren hast du dir für Shrines ausgesucht, gefällt mir!

Falls ein Shrine zu Raquel zustande kommt, würde ich den gerne lesen; ist ewig her seit Scrapped Princess (ich erinnere mich an... so gut wie gar nichts, nur Fulle/Furet, weil das mein Herz damals brach), und diskutiert wird der Anime online kaum. :D

Mach weiter so! <3

Date: Wed 11/17/21 7:17AM
From: Alexandra

Message: your site is sooo cute!! i love this layout of site, gave me warm fuzzies :)

Date: Mon 01/10/22 8:03AM
From: Aelyn

Message: Hi Christina!

Just dropping by your domain and noticed you finally have a guestbook so I figured I'd leave you a message. :D

Wanted to let you know that your new layout looks so fitting with your domain name and a darker layout is also nice for a change. <3 Also, thank you for maintaining the Moogle clique, I will join it shortly!

Date: Sun 03/13/22 12:22PM
From: Pummi

Message: Hello beloved sister!

Just wanted to tell you, in 2022 your websites and designs are still fire!!!


Love you,


Date: Tue 01/3/23 3:19AM
From: Pim

Message: Just dropping by to say hi. How are you?
Hope you're well.

I love your layouts they're pretty and that they're tidy and look professional. Keep up the good work.

I'm at

Date: Tue 01/3/23 6:19PM
From: Ainna

Message: Hi Christina, just wanted to say I love your domain! Thanks for the twitter follow, I followed back <3 Happy new year!

Date: Wed 07/19/23 8:38AM
From: Stefi

Message: Just wanted to drop by and say hello! I wanted to compliment you on your lovely sites; I can tell you put a lot of love and effort into them. Keep up the good work!

Date: Wed 03/6/24 6:28AM
From: Tevada

Message: Well since you asked, I'll leave a note. This is a very pink website. I pray you're well.

Date: Thu 05/9/24 2:42PM
From: Lethe

Message: Your new network layout looks so fresh (I hope this year's summer will shape up to be as refreshing), and I'm a sucker for Maron and Miyako's relationship! Also, I was excited to see your clique update mails with the Sailor Moon themed domain... Long live Kaolinite!!

Looks like you're on a roll with layouts and cliques, what a joy to see!