
the ending explained

How should I say? The ending of Fena: Pirate Princess wasn't what I expected. First of all, I was amazed that Fena actually got to Eden. Usually, many anime just end before the protagonist really achieves their goal and prefers to live a normal life instead. Not here. Instead, a crazy, somewhat clichéd concept is presented in which a young girl is put in charge of the world. I really didn't expect that. I mean, clearly Fena is searching for her true purpose. But that that means she could just wipe out the whole world, I thought was very... strange. What I found even more surprising about this was that both Joan of Arc and Helena, Fena's mother, obviously didn't question this concept. I mean, she seems to have been at that point and decided to be human. So why did Helena keep her light hair but Fena didn't? Could it be that Fena hasn't made a decision at all? Is that why she has dark hair and can remember Yukimaru? That is very strongly implied.
So the ending is a bit unsatisfying and I would have liked a second season to flesh out this whole predestination story. But I still loved the anime.