~ Ciel Phantomhive

Ciel Phantomhive, a determined and shrewd young boy, is motivated by a deep desire for revenge against those who harmed his family. As the Earl of the Phantomhive house, he leads with excellence and inspires loyalty in his servants. Despite his reserved nature, he genuinely cares for the well-being of his loved ones, as seen in his protective actions, such as jumping in front of a bear to save Elizabeth Midford.
Accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle, Ciel struggles with simple tasks like dressing himself and doing household chores. He serves as the Queen's Watchdog, working diligently and using morally dubious means to achieve his missions. Ciel is not afraid to resort to manipulation and lies, and he can be cynical and distrustful of others.
In addition to his role as a noble, Ciel is also the executive chairman and owner of the prosperous Funtom Corporation, showcasing his business acumen. He pursues revenge while realizing his childhood dream through the success of his enterprise.
Despite his mature exterior, Ciel has moments of childishness, particularly in his competitiveness. His weak constitution contrasts with his competence as a shooter, as he always carries a gun for self-defense. Ciel battles post-traumatic stress disorder, with occasional flashbacks from his time as a slave in a cult.
On a lighter note, Ciel has a fondness for sweets but is allergic to cats. He shares his mother's asthma, adding a touch of vulnerability to his character. This combination of strengths, weaknesses, and personal quirks makes Ciel Phantomhive a complex and intriguing character in the world of "Black Butler."

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Kuroshitsuji I and II, aswell as characters, pictures & graphics are © 2007 Yana Toboso. Texts, analysis und interpretations are my personal impressions and © Tina / Midnight Cloud Network.