Profil - - - #

Cifer is indeed a skilled fighter who, especially within Balamb Garden, has gained some fame. However, his stubborn, arrogant, reckless, and unpredictable nature has so far prevented him from passing the SeeD exam.
Alongside Squall, Cifer is the only Gunblade specialist in the Garden. Despite both wielding Gunblades, Squall and Cifer have different fighting styles. Squall uses his Gunblade with both hands, while Cifer prefers a one-handed approach.
Cifer's Triple Triad card mirrors Squall's, as they share the same numbers. Triple Triad is a popular in-game card game within the world of "Final Fantasy VIII."

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The domain, its content and design is © 2012–2024 Christina. Final Fantasy VIII, the characters and illustrations that were mentioned and used to create "Rebellious" are © 1999 Square-Enix. No infringement intended.